Race 13. Pierrelatte. Grand prix race 2
This was one hell hot day. If you click on the title of this race you will be sent to the youtube video that our team put together. It was quite a funny trip, just a pity our team didnt go too great.
It was for sure a no wetsuit swim. I was about 25th out the water, second to last out the water in our team along with Pierre.
I had not had a bad swim (in a good position at the first buoy) and hadn't been beaten around too much either(no more than normal). The group I was swimming with simply lost their way at one of the buoys and we were not strong enough to swim back towards the front. I was not super stressed, as we wernt miles behind but I was still in a rush to catch those in front. After one lap on the bike the situation stood at; 15 or so guys up the road and a chase group of 60, not working well and becoming dangerous on the skinny roads. So feeling pretty good I proceeded to ru
in any chance I had of running well by launching a multiple series of unsuccessful attacks. It made life harder for others but nothing was working so a rested again in the bunch and just tried to roll through turns so as not to loose total contact with the group up the road. On the last lap the transition heroes started to push to the front. These guys, who had not seen a bit of wind on the front, started to elbow and cut wheels to get up to the front and have a clear run at the transition. Well I was not so happy about that as I felt that their energy would have better used helping our group reel in the leaders. So I held my ground, swore at a few guys, then surged at the latter part of the final km and took my shoes off skidding to a pace to get off the bike and jumped off first. As soon as my feet hit the ground I knew I was in for a crap 5km run. The only positive that had come from this frantic finish was we came in to transition as the tail end of the lead group ran out. I ran the first 2km in approximatley 16 years, almost died of heatstroke between km 3 and 4, then finally got myself together a little and actually passed some guys to finish 11th.
My worst result in a grand prix. A few guys did actually pass out with the heat, so I am not exaggerating when I say it was hot. It was an 11 hour bus trip home that "coach Emric" did solo, only stopping for Mcdonalds (3 times) for a break.

Toujours aussi Sympa les posts de Kristian. Ne loupez pas la vidéo sur Youtube (TOCCTV) qui résume bien l'aventure
thanks for calling me "coach emric" that was a great moment for me to be with the team . best regards
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