France 2008. Equipment for the season.
I try not to be too much of a gadget freak but its sometimes hard with all the new wiz bang stuff being produced, and with the shear nature of the sport, demanding so many different items. I decided to compile a list of all the important things I use for training and racing, just to justify why my bags are so full when I travel.
For the swim as for the last few years I will be using goggles from Engine. For training I use the Psycho or the new Freak. For racing I only use the Weapon. They are comfortable, sit great on my face and stay put when they get knocked…..and that’s pretty often.
My race suit is provided by the club and is a flashy fluro yellow, not my first pick (nor my 11th pick). My normal race suit is being produced by the guys (and girls…blush) at Engine. Its still in the pipeline so keep a lookout. My wetsuit as for the last five years is an Ironman blue seventy. Again it fits me great, is quick in the water (making up for my ability) and comes off super quick, for the speedy transition.
My new bike for this year is a full carbon BPR. Its a new Aussie made frame by Andy Choy at Bike pro in Surry hills. It handles great and climbs well. What more could you ask for. It’s a new
bike on the market and looks great so turns heads. I am now using Sram Force components, which I am finding a pleasant change from the norm. The shift quality is fantastic, and the whole package is very comfortable and neat. My wheels as for the past two years are Gravity Zero. This year I have the latest model rear hub. The mechanism engages just that fraction earlier. For those using the older mechanism, this is just that bit better and worth the upgrade, and for those who don’t use this system, bad luck!! The whole bike comes in around 7.8kg.
On the run I only use Brooks shoes. I have run in them for 6 years now and have been injury free. For training I switch between the Radius and the Glycerin. For races I use the new Racer St 3 or for very short races where I think I might run fast I pull out the Racer T5. For the bike and run I use the Oakley Radar sunnies. They don’t improve my looks much but on others they look pretty cool. They actually work really well, in respect to fogging problems or vision in the rain.