Race 1. Laval Triathlon (1500m/40km/10km) 26th May 2007
The first race for my New French season was back at good old Laval. The day was super wet and windy, not the best way to ease back into racing and almost spookily like my
first race in France one year ago (where I ended up in hospital).
Laval is about 70km away from where we are staying in Rennes, almost a local race feel. As with the year before the swim was in the river around two very old and pretty bridges, the bike w
as a solid 40km 2 loop course with about 450m of climbing and the run was 3 laps on each side of the river. Well I had a pretty poor start after being told we didnt need to go around the first buoy and then in the first 10m getting told but the race arbiters to swim sideways to . . . . yep, go around the buoy! I completed the remaining 1450m of the swim in fourth position all alone glancing up occasionally to see the lead three (Adam Beckworth, Benoit Buchard and Chris Felgate), draw further away. I exited the water over one minute behind and set off in chase of the lead 3. After about 6km I reached the
foot of the first long climb and could see the fluro back of Adam half way
up it. By 10km I had caught him and had the other two in sight. I passed Felgate at around 15km and by the half way turn was close enough to Buchard to keep him in sight. The second lap went much like the first and I entered transition about 10 seconds behind Buchard. He went the wrong way in transition, I said Mercy and we left for the 10km run together. Now before the race I had been speaking with Benoits coach for running and learned he had
improved through the winter. I thought little of it until about 2km in when I surged a little and he effortlessly responded. For the next 6km we ran side by side and would have knocked elbows at least 76 times. All this time I was thinking of how I could beat him? how well can he sprint? will I make it at this pace? what is that French official saying? Should I have eaten 50 cent ravioli for lunch?? It was all pretty mentally and physically straining.
With two km to go he finally faulted and as soon as I felt him struggle I took off. After 100m of surging away I was stuffe
d by I had played my card and had to pretend I was ok. I ran just a little fas
ter, played with my sunglasses and waved to Raphs son Paul, hoping Buchard would see and think 'oh hell hes cruising!' The last 1km was actually pretty easy as the damage had been done and the gap was big enough. I crossed the line 22 seconds clear of Benoit who looked pretty tired and 37 seconds ahead of Jerome Jussemet, who rode and ran his way through the field. Adam was the second Fluro Cesson home in 5th.
Results: Laval triathlon: windy, wet and cold, 1st
Lesson learned: Go easy on the ravioli, swim faster.
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